Friday, August 14, 2015

The parallel universe, the fourth sight

She walked towards the letter on the floor. The paper had dust on it, but not old enough to turn brown. Slowly she unfolded the paper. It was all scribbles in there. She squinted her eyes and tried to make out the words on them.
Lya, by the time you read this I would be already gone. I do not want to risk having you taken away by the master, becoming his puppet. It is just a matter of time. I saw it, his recent visits and probing of your powers. I couldn’t risk it all. You are too precious to me. I am heading towards the portal. I know we haven’t done research deep enough to see if it is really safe but to me, that is the only way we could be together as one being. Together, me and you as one blue flame. I love you Lya, I can’t bear to see you being taken away from my side and not being able to do anything about it. I rather lose my life than to see that.
Love, Bryan.
When she read the letter she could feel a man’s voice echoing after her like as though the man was right behind her. Bryan. Then she blackout.
She woke up to the bright light illuminating the sky. Bryan. Who is Bryan? How is he related to me? How does he know my name? Or was it another person with the same name? Was it that girl that’s always crying? But when she smiles, the whole world light up together with her. Who was this master they talked about? She wanted to go back into the forest but she can’t, just not yet. She could only go back after she spent the equal amount of time or longer here. She opened her blue flame and see them burn like how fire engulfs the forests and turns them to ashes; she could see them burning the air. Are those memories even mine to begin with? It was a simple question, but it hit her hard. She had never thought of it this way. If it isn’t hers then whose was it? Guess it will always be questions but no answers for her.
She looked down at the people below. They resemble ants, moving through the crowd, hustling and bustling away with whatever they are doing. Then she felt the sudden need to look at her blue flames. She lifts her hand from the edge and opened them. The little blue flame was strong but small. So she just stared. It felt like she was trying to transfer energy to her flames so it will become bigger. At first nothing happened, then her surroundings began to blur and shake. Immediately she tried to stop it by shaking and avoiding the sight of the flames. Then the world slowly and gradually stopped shaking. She put her hand down on the edge again. But this time when she look down, the stalls along the pavements and the buildings were all in a mess. They were all disturbed in a way or another. Her heart was in her mouth now. What had she done? She almost destroyed the town. To her, she didn’t even know if she was the one that caused all these mess that she was looking at right now. She opened her flame again. This time it had grew bigger and stronger. It was as though she sucked out the people’s life. Then she felt dizzy and the strength slipped out of her as she entered the dark abyss of sleep.

That’s all for today. Goodnight midnight bunnies:3

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