Wednesday, August 12, 2015

the parallel universe, the second sight

The blue flames ignited at the back of her eyes. Her legs dangled at the edge of the roof. She opened her eyes, the same city lights illuminated the place. The lamp post that flickered yesterday still flickers today. It seems that nothing had changed. Although she is used to the process of travelling back in time and appearing back on the roof of this 32 storey building, it still bothered her a lot. Why here of all places? Is this where the portal used to be? She reminiscence back to the memory. The dandelion field, the sun, her smile. Is it even possible? There is no sun in the parallel universe, it has always been the night. The girl’s smile, she was always crying when she tries to pry into the past. Who is she anyway? Why is she smiling so happily when in all the other flashbacks of her was all about her tears? There were too many unanswered questions.
She decided to take a walk on the streets. She turned around and lifted herself off the ledge, towards the stairs. The stairway is dark. The steps, walls and railings are all painted black. There isn’t any light to guide the way other than the rays from the outside lamp posts. She strolled down and began her journey to the bottom. The stairs bring serenity but it felt cold and lonely. Each step she took, the loneliness grows. It felt as though she is sinking in a sea of tar, the more she tries to tell herself she is not lonely at all, the faster she drowns. It’s like the sea was telling her to stop living in self-denial. At the last flight of stairs, she took a leap of faith and landed on the bricked pavement. It was crowded today. She spun around and headed towards a random direction that she stopped at.

She closed her eyes for a brief moment. All their blue flames were raging. Their will to live were all pretty strong. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw it. A little boy, his flame was tiny. It was so tiny that a gentle breeze could just put it out. She opened her eyes, the boy was with a group of friends. All of them were chatting and smiling happily. Among all of them, he had the widest smile. Why was his smile the biggest when his will to live is the smallest? Then he saw her. Their eyes locked for a moment. Then she saw his flame flickered and turn red, grew bigger and went back to blue. She was astounded by what had happened. Everything to her seemed hazy now, and she felt as though there were hammers pounding her head repetitively. She could still see the boy, staring at her with confused eyes. But she could only feel her vision darken. With all the strength she could muster, she looked for a place to escape from the crowds. She spotted a dark alley across the street 20 feet away from her. She dragged her feet across, trying to reach her salvation. It was awfully hard, but eventually she made it. She leaned against the wall and slide down, sitting on the floor in the end. Her head didn’t hurt as bad anymore. In that moment the only thing she could think of is that girl’s smile from her memories. Once again, she took a deep breath and pry into her own past. 
That's all for now.
Goodnight midnight bunnies(:

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