Monday, August 10, 2015

the parallel universe, the first sight


She sat at the edge of the 32 story building, her legs dangling freely, the wind that grazes her skin. It was a windy night. She has been stuck at the same place for months. The lights from the top is really breath-taking. It was so beautiful. The lights that guide the way through the dark. But in this parallel universe, each lamp post signify the life span of each and every individual. She closed her eyes, as usual the blue flames appeared in her vision one by one. Similar to the lamp posts, the blue flame shows each person’s will to live. Some were brighter than the others, while some flicker and fades out entirely. She opened her eyes, releasing her clenched fist in front of her. A blue flame, danced on her palm. No one was able to do that, but her. Why was she able to control her own will to live? Ever since that day when they went through the portal and arrived in this parallel universe, her memories kept fading. Today, she only remembers her name and broken pieces of her past. Whenever she tries to remember them she’ll end up travelling back in time, but that didn’t stop her. She just wanted to fill up the empty gaps inside her, to cover the empty spaces. She closed her eyes once again. She saw a field of dandelions, then she saw a girl. Her face was blurred but she was smiling and saying something. Their hands were linked together.  Through the tugging she could feel her anxiety and cheerfulness. Where were they going though? Then little by little it got darker, and darker and the scene fades away completely. She opened her eyes, she has no idea where she was this time. There was a path that leads towards the darkened trees and the other that leads back to the buildings. She chose not to be adventurous and headed back to the buildings.
The tall buildings that portray their sturdy image from afar are in shambles as she got closer. She had travelled back in time again. She found a torn cloth bag at the curb of the road, picked it up and covered herself. As the night darkens, the creatures of the night ventured on. The owls hoot and the bats flew above searching for a prey. Meantime, she dozed off to the melody of the hoots.

This is a new series that I started quite some time ago. and i think it is about time i finished it. So viola. As usual any other would be posted at the alternative blog to not stop the flow of parallel universe:3
So hope you bunnies like it(:
Goodnight midnight bunnies.

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